Dynamometer Tuning

We offer affordable tuning in the WNC area.  Our location has an All-Wheel-Drive Dynocom 5000fx dyno that can be utilized for an ideally calibrated tune for any setup.  We also offer remote (E-tuning) services directly to customers and through a number of trusted shops.  In addition to our tuning services, we offer free consultation to get your car set up and ready for tuning.  We offer a number of specific tuning packages to meet common needs and we can put together a custom tuning package to cover any needs while still meeting your budget.  We also sell a good selection of parts that we've specifically chosen to sell based on our experience and how they will work with our tuning.

Dyno Rentals:
*Tuners* If you are in need of a rental for a customer tuning session please contact us.

Power Pulls:
$150 for 3 pulls with AFR/Boost plots

Open Source: $850 *WRX/STi Only*
Cobb Accessport: $850
Standalone ECU's: Starting at $950

In order to book a tuning session, a $150 non-refundable deposit must be paid before your appointment is booked and will be forfeited in cases of no-show, cancellation, or a reschedule. All vehicles are recommended to undergo a $150 pre-dyno inspection additional to tuning price, before tuning to check for any mechanical issues that may prevent us from tuning your vehicle. If an issue is seen before tuning or comes up during the tuning process that needs to be repaired, repairs may be done same day if time allows for an additional charge. If you choose not to have repairs performed that day, you may reschedule for a later date. Customers may skip the pre dyno inspection, by doing so they understand that if vehicle proves to not be dyno ready, they will still be responsible to pay for any dyno time up until that point.

               DYNO TUNING                                     DYNO RENTAL
